Easy Sewing Project Review – Point of View 17 Inch Wreath Pattern

Easy Sewing Project: Picture of Pattern and Additional Templates

Easy Sewing Project Pattern Review: “Point of View” 17-Inch Folded Star Wreath by Plum Easy Patterns

If you are looking for an minimal, Easy Sewing Project that can be completed in one weekend sewing session; consider trying the “Point of View” 17-Inch Folded Star Wreath by Plum Easy Patterns.  This easy sewing project uses strategically placed prairie points around a center focal design to create a beautiful centerpiece for a table.  The finished project can also be hung and displayed on the wall.

Easy Sewing Project: Required Items

Besides the fabrics listed in the pattern directions, you will need a few additional items to create the Folded Star Wreath:

One copy of the Folded Star Wreath Pattern
OPTIONAL: Additional templates of the Folded Star Wreath Pattern
OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED: Susan K. Cleveland’s Prairie Pointer
Spray Starch (I used Mary Ellen’s Best Press Starch)
small spool of monofilament thread
small spool of general utility sewing thread
¾ yard of cotton batting
Temporary fabric glue stick

Easy Sewing Project: The Process

In observance of United States copyright laws, I cannot disclose the step-by-step directions.  I can tell you that the construction process is relatively simple, and the pattern directions are easy to follow.  The more wreaths you make, the faster you can move thru each step.  If you decide to make these as hostess or bridal shower gifts, I recommend making all the necessary prairie points at one time.

It’s important to determine the order of your fabrics before cutting anything.  If you aren’t working with a specific focal panel for your center block, you will need to select one of your fabrics for the center focal. Once you have the fabric order set, you can correctly cut out the fabrics for the prairie points. (I made this as a Mother’s Day gift for my grandmother and I wanted to feature the iris floral fabric as much as possible.)

Surprisingly, making the prairie points took the most time.  For my first wreath, I opted to make the prairie points without the Prairie Pointer.  They turned out ok but weren’t perfect. I decided to order the Prairie Pointer tool and what a difference it made in my prairie points on wreath #2!  The points were very sharp and looked professionally made. I was also surprised that making the prairie points seemed to go more quickly when I used the Prairie Pointer.

Prairie Pointer tool

For the next step, you must layer your prairie points around the focal block as directed.  It’s very important that you follow the layout on the pattern template so that you get the best results.  I do recommend that you take your time building the first 2 layers of prairie points and using a clear ruler to ensure that everything lines up as directed. If you make any placement mistakes, be sure to correct them as soon as possible.

Easy Sewing Project Closeup of prairie points

Left: Prairie Points made without Prairie Pointer Right: Prairie Points made with Prairie Pointer


After laying everything out, it was time to sew.  At first, I thought it would take a long time to sew everything as directed. It didn’t.  I was able to move thru all the sewing steps in a few hours and finish it in one afternoon sewing session. No fancy stitches required—just the basic straight stitch.  I did switch things up when attaching the binding.  I opted to use a blanket stitch.

Finished Point of View 17" Wreath Easy Sewing Project

Easy Sewing Project: Conclusion

This was a relatively easy and fun sewing project suitable for all skill levels.  Most of your time is spent setting up the wreath—not sewing it. For sewists and crafters who prefer minimal to ‘no sew’ sewing projects, this is worth consideration.  This is also a fantastic centerpiece design for bridal, baby, wedding, and special occasion events where round tables that seat 8 guests will be used.  The 17” size fits perfectly and you can use fabrics that fit the theme of your event.

If you enjoy making the wreath, I encourage you to check out Plum Easy Pattern’s other prairie point patterns.

If you need more ideas for table center pieces, check out this blog post.

I hope this review helps you!  If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below.

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About Me

Christine Warren

Sewing isn’t just my job, it’s my passion. I’ve enjoyed sewing and needle working since I was very young.

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